The club is a membership based club but it is possible to participate in some organised coaching sessions and club nights.
In order to do this, you will need to register on our booking system as a guest.
You can do this at
You can login via Facebook or Google or create an account
To create an account complete the details including your e-mail address and password

Booking a session
Once you have an account to book on to one of the public sessions, log into Sports booker at with your e-mail address and password
Select Book Group Event

Then select the day or week of that event (you can book up to 14 days in advance). You will see available sessions providing there is free capacity for the event.

Click the Book button against the session you wish to book

Then complete the Payment through Paypal – you can simply make a Debit Card payment without using a Paypal account or you have a Paypal account you can use that.
If you need any help, you can e-mail