Internal Leagues

The internal leagues are a great feature of our club, creating vibrant activity on and off-court. The league games are friendly but competitive and everyone who takes part does so in an enthusiastic and courteous manner.

The leagues are currently managed by one of our committee members Adam Langton! 

As well as all the results, tables, and performances being displayed online on the MyCourts website, the leagues are also published and displayed via Squash Levels. 

Who Plays In The Leagues?

There are over 50 players in the internal leagues from both Squash & Racketball, of varying levels of expertise – from beginners to regular Team Squash players – there is a place for everyone. 

How To Join The Leagues

First, you must be an active club member. 

Then, email Adam Langton – or contact him via his mobile (you can get this from MyCourts) to indicate your interest in joining. Let Adam know your approximate playing level so he can place you in the right league.